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Professor Mike Smith is the technical architect and managing director of fm2x limited. Mike has over 30 years experience of business application development and deployment. Some orgnisations worked for include Medix UK plc, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Z/Yen Ltd, North Staffordshire Health Authority, Robertson Research plc, Petroconsultants SA and ISTEL Ltd (Rover Group plc). He has held computer science and medical professorial appointments at University College London (UCL), London School of Economics (LSE), City University, Barts and Keele. Mike is an unashamed technophile:

"Praise of technology is unfashionable, but truly, this is an age of miracles. Consider the “lowly” cellphone. Had I seen such a device thirty years ago, my conclusion would have been that it was the artefact of an advanced future or alien civilisation. We are now that future, that alien civilisation - even if much of it, sadly, might be perfectly familiar to Charles Dickens, Genghis Khan or a caveman."

Marianna Smith is a director of fm2x limited. Marianna has a degree in information technology and worked with BT developing very large Oracle databases for cellphone billing. She specialises in user requirement elicitation, documentation and rapid prototyping. Marianna is not a technophile:

"People want their IT to be like their refrigerator: you put your food in, it keeps it cold. It breaks, you buy a bigger new one in a fashionable style and matching colour, at a good price with a good environmental rating. People with a real life don't care if the light really goes off when you shut the door or what coolant it uses. They just want cold food without any hassle."

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